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Hustle or Rest? Why it is Okay to be

Hustle or Rest? Why it is Okay to be "Lazy"

Our culture tells us that to be lazy is bad, but being lazy is actually the healthiest choice we can make. Here's why it is okay to be lazy.

by Health By Principle on April 27, 2021  in mental healthrelaxrelaxation
How to Reduce Depression’s Impact on Relationships

How to Reduce Depression’s Impact on Relationships

The increase in depression has become a national health crisis, and managing relationships you value when you have depression is vital. Health By Principle offers this guide to communicating about your depression, and also some science-backed mood boosting supplement suggestions like Vitamin D and Magnesium. 

How to Prevent Mental Illness from Affecting Relationships

How to Prevent Mental Illness from Affecting Relationships

Check out this blog for tips on how to keep mental illness from negatively affecting your friendships and other relationships.
9 Ways to Improve How You Sleep at Night

9 Ways to Improve How You Sleep at Night

Are you counting sheep at night? Or watching television hoping your eyelids will grow heavy and you will blissfully drift off to sleep? If you're struggling to get enough rest it's time to get back to basics: relax, create a bedtime ritual, move your body during the day. These and other tips from Health By Principle will help you sleep at night.
Magnesium and Vitamin D Can Strengthen Your Immunity

Magnesium and Vitamin D Can Strengthen Your Immunity

Looking for ways to support your immune system? We suggest you take a look at magnesium and vitamin D for the extra help you need!
Maintaining Your Mental Health While Working Remotely

Maintaining Your Mental Health While Working Remotely

With the modern trends in the workforce, remote work has become a popular option among employees. Using this flexible work arrangement, people are better able to control their work schedule and balance it with their life responsibilities. But, how do you properly utilize remote work? And what effect does remote work have on your mental health? Read on to learn some tips on how to effectively work remotely.



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