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Vitamin D3 and the Immune System

Vitamin D3 and the Immune System

Vitamin D3 is a crucial nutrient that most diets lack, and it can be harder to come by during the cooler seasons when we are more prone to stay indoors. While there are many rumors and old wives' tales about these chilly seasons and sicknesses that come along with them, we will debunk some of the common myths and dive into why vitamin D3 is especially important for the immune system and for daily health and wellness.
Microbiome intestine factories and microbiota. Gut health. Microvilli with factories in intestine.

The Microbiome and Fitness Connection: Do You Have the Gut(s) to Exercise?

 The gut is now being called the second brain and its power to alter human behavior is fascinating scientists. Now, experts think that the microbiome is connected to our fitness level, but how and to what degree?  
How to Fend Off Seasonal Allergies

How to Fend Off Seasonal Allergies

Spring is a gorgeous time of year! Unfortunately, the beauty of spring also comes with pollen. Learn what urban planning has to do with allergies and what you can do to alleviate your symptoms.
Vitamin D and Sunshine: the Formula for Better Sleep and Health

Vitamin D and Sunshine: the Formula for Better Sleep and Health

Vitamin D deficiency is rampant, impacting nearly half of the American population. The sunshine vitamin has a host of benefits, including better sleep! In this blog, we share how vitamin D and sunshine partner up to improve your sleep and your life!
Who Wins in Fitness: Early Birds or Night Owls?

Who Wins in Fitness: Early Birds or Night Owls?

Your wellness matters- and so does when you choose to exercise! Health By Principle deep dives into the science behind working out in the morning and at night. Make the best science-based decision for your physical health and lifestyle.
The Body and Dehydration: Symptoms and Solutions

The Body and Dehydration: Symptoms and Solutions

Our bodies are mostly water, and need consistent hydration to be at their best! What are the signs of dehydration and how do we avoid it? 



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