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Electrolyte Supplements 101: Staying Hydrated

Electrolyte Supplements 101: Staying Hydrated

Hydration and electrolytes go hand in hand. You need electrolytes to regulate nerve and muscle function and properly hydrate your body.

A young woman with long brown hair grips her head in pain. A wine bottle and glass of wine are on the table in front of her.

Electrolytes—A Hangover Cure?

Alcohol does many things to the human body and a hangover is a physiological reaction to initiated processes: blood vessels expand, your stomach is irritated, your pancreas and intestines are stimulated, and your liver works hard to clear the oxidized alcohol from your system. The good news? Electrolytes can help.
Electrolytes' Impact on Hangovers

Electrolytes' Impact on Hangovers

Have you ever considered that the best hangover remedies have one thing in common? Sodium.  Learn how electrolytes can help you get your body back on track after a hangover.
by Health By Principle on August 15, 2017  in electrolyte homeostasisElectrolytesfoodHangoverHangoverRemedyinformativemythsscienceSodiumSupplements



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