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Magnesium 101: Types, Benefits, and Uses

Magnesium 101: Types, Benefits, and Uses

Magnesium is an important micronutrient that many parts of your body – including your nervous system, your muscles, your heart, your bones and immune system – need in order to function properly. The adult human body contains about 25 grams, with about half stored in the bones, while the rest can be found in soft tissues, bodily fluids and muscles. Most adults in the US do not meet that daily target through their diet. And selecting a supplement is no easy task, as a bewildering number of products can be found on the market. 
An older woman with short gray hair is on the edge of the bed, stretching her arms overhead in the morning sunlight filtering through the window after a great night of sleep.

Magnesium May Be the Key to Better Sleep

While melatonin gets all the credit for better sleep, Magnesium is actually a powerhouse mineral that helps with a number of things -- including sleep. Plus, nearly 70% of Americans are magnesium deficient.
A woman wearing a red sweater and with brown hair shows what appears to be her menstrual cycle marked with little red hearts on a calendar

The Different Ways Mg Affects Women's Health

Between menstruation and hormones, women are more likely than men to struggle with proper magnesium levels. And proper magnesium levels are needed for many reasons, including to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
The periodic chart square for Magnesium or Mg is show on the left and magnesium pills are displayed to the right.

Depression and Magnesium: A Supplement for Mental Health?

Studies have shown that magnesium may be a good option to look into in helping lift your mood and managing stress and anxiety. Magnesium supplementation offers a fast, safe, and easy-to-access alternative to taking care of your mental health.



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