Stanton Migraine Protocol
What is the Stanton Migraine Protocol?

Stanton Migraine Protocol Inc. (SMP) is a scientific research-backed nonprofit organization originated by world renowned Neuroeconomist and migraine expert Angela Stanton, PhD.

Stanton Migraine Protocol is a comprehensive approach dedicated to helping those with migraines gain greater control of their lives without the use of harmful medications.

Migraines are primarily caused by a genetic dysfunction in the brain's energy metabolism and electrolyte balance, which can be influenced by certain lifestyle and dietary habits.

The protocol focuses on the correlation between diet and the brain, including altering dietary practices like shifting to a high fat, low carbohydrate diet that is also low in sugar and eliminates key things known to prompt migraines, like aged cheese, coffee and chocolate.

The foundational elements of SMP is supplementing with necessary electrolytes like sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

Learn more about Dr. Stanton’s research and how it led to the Stanton Migraine Protocol Group.

The Stanton Migraine Protocol Group is dedicated to ending the migraine epidemic without the use of harmful medications.

Dr. Stanton’s Education and Research

A migraine sufferer since childhood, Dr. Stanton has a keen and personal interest in neuroscience. With a doctorate in Economics and a dissertation in neuroscience, which together created the field of Neuroeconomics, her post-doctoral research was conducted at the Max Planck Institute in Germany.

Leader in the Field of Migraine Research

Dr. Angela Stanton believes the root cause of migraines is an electrolyte imbalance created by glucose sensitivity, so she focuses on the correlation between diet and the brain.  

Educator and Author

Dr. Stanton has a thorough understanding of the influence of neurons and hormones on mental and physiological functioning. Now an educator and author, her research continues as she strives to help those impacted by migraine, having already assisted thousands of migraine sufferers around the world. 

Founding Health by Principle

Dr. Angela Stanton has been one of the guiding forces behind Health By Principle (HBP) since it was established in 2017. HBP’s American made, third-party tested, Vegan, Keto and Paleo-approved, Gluten-free, electrolyte, magnesium and vitamin D supplements are research-backed and of the highest quality—because we don’t sell any supplements that we don’t take ourselves.  

Hot Tips from Angela

Migraines are not a woman-only condition. Men and children as young as 2 years old also have migraines.  

The keys to migraine prevention: Enough water, more salt, and less sugar.  

The pharmaceutical path to migraine prevention comes with a host of adverse effects extending from brain fog and neurological issues to heart problems.

Migraine is genetically determined, and the migraine brain is hypersensitive, which depletes the brain of nutrients and energy.  

Glucose is the main trigger for migraines, which means that carbohydrates present problems for migraineurs and strengthens the argument for a low-carb diet.  

by Keto Mojo Platform

Meet Migraine Expert Angela A Stanton, Ph.D

Angela Stanton is the perfect person to have authored the book, Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: How to Treat and Prevent Migraines Without Medicine. A migraine and nutrition scientist and long-term migraine sufferer herself, she was fed up with the lack of understanding and treatments for migraines within the medical community.

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That's the controversial suggestion by one US neuroscientist - but what do leading experts think?

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Preventing and Treating Migraines

Patrick Holford, Nutritional Therapist; Teacher; Writer; Health and Wellness Spokesperson; Founder of Optimum Nutrition along with his mentor, twice Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling

Why We Do It

Health By Principle is an inventive company that is committed to providing the world with a key to sustainable wellness through innovative products that are suitable for any lifestyle. Health By Principle strives to make health simple by helping consumers reach their goals with products that make taking daily supplements enjoyable. Health By Principle's deep rooted commitment provides the world with easy access to wellness through innovative products that are Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gelatin-Free, Kosher and free of colors and flavors from artificial sources.

– Health By Principle. Health Simple.