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Are Artificial Sweeteners Toxic?

Are Artificial Sweeteners Toxic?

Health By Principle explores processed sugar, inflammation, and artificial sweeteners. Learn if artificial sweeteners are toxic or simply misunderstood.
photo of a healthy, colorful meal:  lean protein, greens and eggs.

Is Restaurant Food Sabotaging Your Health Goals? Meal Prepping Pros and Cons

It seems like health is always at the top of many lists at the start of each new year. One small change, even the shift from eating out to preparing meals at home, can create a positive domino effect within your life. 
a bunch of sugar on a wooden table, a lit and smoking cigarette has been etched into the sugar.

Has Sugar Become the Next Smoking?

The harms of sugar are being noticed around the world, with the UK even taxing sugary drinks and proposing shifts in packaging for sugary products. Has Sugar Become the Next Smoking?
Can Cutting Out Sugar Help Migraine Symptoms?

Can Cutting Out Sugar Help Migraine Symptoms?

Sugar and caffeine are diuretics, meaning they dehydrate your body. The biochemical balance of your cells get disrupted and you no longer have Electrolyte Homeostasis (proper cell hydration).



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