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Menopause, Migraine, and Stanton Migraine Protocol

Menopause, Migraine, and Stanton Migraine Protocol

As women undergo hormonal fluctuations during menopause, their susceptibility to migraine attacks may increase, adding an extra layer of complexity to an already intricate process. 
The Ultimate Guide to Explaining Your Migraines to Friends, Family, and Colleagues

The Ultimate Guide to Explaining Your Migraines to Friends, Family, and Colleagues

The story of migraine isn’t told or shared alone. There are other people in the chapters: significant others, children, siblings, parents, friends, and coworkers. How do you explain to them kindly, patiently, and effectively that migraines change you and how they can help during a migraine attack? 
Emotional Resilience, Part 2: Tips on How to Build It

Emotional Resilience, Part 2: Tips on How to Build It

Emotional resilience is something that you can build upon throughout the course of your life. Integrate these helpful tips into your routine and you may begin to notice some positive changes in your life.
A woman observes a stunning, pastel sunrise with her back to the camera. Her arms are extended overhead and she is giving two thumbs up, suggesting she is joyful.

Emotional Resilience, Part 1: What is It?

Emotional resilience is a powerful thing and necessary for navigating life, but what is it, really? How can someone cultivate it? New research suggests that resilience is a combination of genetic, psychological, biological, social, and spiritual influences. While some of these factors are beyond our control, others, thankfully, can be improved.
a graphic showing a woman in a blue shirt pointing to a spot on an enlarged brain that has lightning strike symbols  above it.

The Emotional First Aid Kit: What’s in Yours?

The peaks and valleys of life are impossible to predict, so it's important to plan accordingly. Prepare an emotional first aid kit to help you navigate the challenges of life in a healthy way. Fill the kit with things that bring you joy, remind you of what matters to you, and provide you some kind of grounding or comfort.
A red headed woman wearing a striped shirt holds her hand up to her face like she is thinking.

Understanding Your Emotions Can Make You More Successful

People with average IQs and high EQs (emotional intelligence) typically make substantially more money than those with high IQs. In fact, recent studies have shown that people who can effectively understand and manage their emotions make nearly $30,000 more per year, just from enjoying more success, often from being more empathetic and getting along well with others.



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