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Pets and the Loving Way that They Heal Us

Pets and the Loving Way that They Heal Us

Our pets are family. They bring joy to our lives and can also bring mental health benefits. Can pets ease our depression and loneliness?

How to Self-Preserve with Self-Care

How to Self-Preserve with Self-Care

Self-care is trending, and there are some common misconceptions. What is self-care really, and how do we use it in a healthy, balanced way?

Magnesium Deficiency and Stress

Magnesium Deficiency and Stress

Magnesium deficiency is connected to stress, anxiety and depression because it hinders your nervous system from functioning properly.
The Joy of Journaling: Organize Your Mind and Emotions

The Joy of Journaling: Organize Your Mind and Emotions

Journals have been around for ages. We can use gratitude, bullet, and dump journals to not only clear our minds, but also improve our health!

by Health By Principle on June 11, 2021  in gratitudejournalmental health
Banish Brain Fog with Exercise

Banish Brain Fog with Exercise

Brain fog can get in the way of a balanced day. Here are some tips on how to banish brain fog with exercise and healthy choices.
5 Ways to Feed Your Intellect

5 Ways to Feed Your Intellect

Our intellect is a valuable and often neglected component of our health. Here are 5 ways that we can feed our intellect and feel amazing.

by Health By Principle on May 17, 2021  in brainmentalmental healthmental wellbeing



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