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The Body and Dehydration: Symptoms and Solutions

The Body and Dehydration: Symptoms and Solutions

Our bodies are mostly water, and need consistent hydration to be at their best! What are the signs of dehydration and how do we avoid it? 
A table setting with a clock sitting on the plate

16 Hour Fasting Diet

The science behind intermittent fasting is actually fascinating. Researchers from Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University discovered that the combination of intermittent fasting with a ketogenic diet can have all sorts of benefits for the human body, including fighting migraines, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis and even some forms of cancer.
The Migraine Prevention Process: What to Expect

The Migraine Prevention Process: What to Expect

If you’re a migraineur and have decided to start making lifestyle changes to prevent your migraines without medicines, your brain’s recovery will take time. Carefully monitoring your diet and maintaining proper cell hydration, or Electrolyte Homeostasis, takes attention, time, and self-control. You’ll be doing your best and you likely won’t see full results right away.

Low-Sodium Might Not Mean Low Blood Pressure

Low Sodium vs. Low Blood Pressure

Current guidelines recommend limiting sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams a day for healthy people—with the FDA intent on lowering it further. However, during the study it was found that healthy adults consuming less than 2,500 milligrams of sodium a day had higher blood pressure than participants who consumed higher amounts of sodium.
by Health By Principle Staff on May 04, 2017  in Blood PressureElectrolytesExperimental BiologyMigraineNutritionSodiumYes on Sodium



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