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Magnesium 101: Types, Benefits, and Uses

Magnesium 101: Types, Benefits, and Uses

Magnesium is an important micronutrient that many parts of your body – including your nervous system, your muscles, your heart, your bones and immune system – need in order to function properly. The adult human body contains about 25 grams, with about half stored in the bones, while the rest can be found in soft tissues, bodily fluids and muscles. Most adults in the US do not meet that daily target through their diet. And selecting a supplement is no easy task, as a bewildering number of products can be found on the market. 
Exercising with Migraines: Finding the Right Balance for Heart and Head

Exercising with Migraines: Finding the Right Balance for Heart and Head

Exercise with Migraines: How to Stay Active and Avoid Triggers

Discover safe exercise tips for migraine sufferers. Learn how to choose low-impact exercises, avoid intense workouts, and maintain electrolyte balance to prevent migraines and improve overall health.

A Mighty Mineral for Your Health and Migraines

A Mighty Mineral for Your Health and Migraines

Magnesium can help with anxiety, sleep, constipation, and miraculously, migraine symptoms! Magnesium is a safe, natural, inexpensive supplement that can bring long lasting migraine support.
Why Do I Have Brain Fog?

Why Do I Have Brain Fog?

Brain fog causes many unpleasant symptoms. Why do we have it, and what can we do about it?
Men and Migraines: Surprising Data on an Underdiagnosed Population

Men and Migraines: Surprising Data on an Underdiagnosed Population

Since June is Men’s Health Month and Migraine Awareness Month, we want to discuss the stigma around men and migraines (and head pain, and trauma in general), why masculinity proves a barrier to quality medical care, how migraines are particularly dangerous for men, the current research, symptoms men should look out for, and what can be done.  
Seven Types of Rest and Why You Need Them

Seven Types of Rest and Why You Need Them

“Rest” has been given a singular definition in modern society, but what if there are many facets to feeling truly rested? We take you on a deep dive: from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, to cultural challenges and a new take on what it means to rest, including the 7 types of rest. 



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