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Can Vitamin Deficiency Cause Depression?

Can Vitamin Deficiency Cause Depression?

If you are deficient in crucial vitamins, you may be increasing your risk of developing depression, according to recent studies. Multiple health problems, including depression, can surface without the right amount of essential vitamins.  
The Body and Dehydration: Symptoms and Solutions

The Body and Dehydration: Symptoms and Solutions

Our bodies are mostly water, and need consistent hydration to be at their best! What are the signs of dehydration and how do we avoid it? 
Magnesium Deficiency and Stress

Magnesium Deficiency and Stress

Magnesium deficiency is connected to stress, anxiety and depression because it hinders your nervous system from functioning properly.
Your Mitochondria May Affect Your Mood – Here’s How

Your Mitochondria May Affect Your Mood – Here’s How

The mitochondria have to handle energy demands from a wide variety of reactions ranging from nerve conduction to movement coordination. 
Antidepressant Foods: Eating for Mental Health?

Antidepressant Foods: Eating for Mental Health?

A new field of research called Nutritional Psychiatry focuses on how the food you digest affects your thoughts and mental health. A study from last year revealed some of the top foods that are thought to help with depressive thoughts and behaviors.



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