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Electrolyte Supplements 101: Staying Hydrated

Electrolyte Supplements 101: Staying Hydrated

Hydration and electrolytes go hand in hand. You need electrolytes to regulate nerve and muscle function and properly hydrate your body.

The Body and Dehydration: Symptoms and Solutions

The Body and Dehydration: Symptoms and Solutions

Our bodies are mostly water, and need consistent hydration to be at their best! What are the signs of dehydration and how do we avoid it? 
A young woman who has a towel around her neck and appears to have been exercising holds a bottle of water up to her lips.

When Are The Best Times To Drink Water?

When are the best times to drink water? 1: First thing in the morning. You haven't had any hydration from sleeping. 2. Before you eat. Is your hunger mostly thirst? Sometimes it's hard for your brain to tell. 3: In between meals 4: Before and after exercise. (It just makes sense.) 5: When you're tired. Maybe that go-to cup of coffee should actually be water. 6: Two hours before you sleep. Hydrate your body, but also try to avoid the half-asleep stumble to the bathroom.



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