Maintaining gut health is always a positive idea, but expecting a probiotic product to overhaul gut health is not realistic. Probiotics are widely marketed as a magic bullet for gut health. However, the Stanton Migraine Protocol®takes a different approach, believing that taking probiotics for extended periodsis notnecessary and might even be a sign of underlying issues.
Vitamins andsupplementsare essentialingredientstomaintaininga balanced and healthy lifestyle.But what happens when those vitamin bottles tucked in our cabinets reach theirexpirationdates?
Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell because they play a critical role in cellular energy production and influence various aspects of human health. Understanding the intricate interplay between mitochondrial function and health is a burgeoning area of research.
Vitamin D3 is a crucial nutrient that most diets lack, and it can be harder to come by during the cooler seasons when we are more prone to stay indoors. While there are many rumors and old wives' tales about these chilly seasons and sicknesses that come along with them, we will debunk some of the common myths and dive into why vitamin D3 is especially important for the immune system and for daily health and wellness.