by Health By Principle

Vitamin D3 and the Immune System


by Rachel Welch

Even as the chill of the season sets in, the warmth of the sun remains a crucial ally for our well-being, especially for the vital vitamin it bestows upon us. Vitamin D3 is a crucial nutrient that most diets lack, and it can be harder to come by during the cooler seasons when we are more prone to stay indoors. Another coincidentally-timed occurrence with the cooler seasons is the uptick in colds, cases of flu, and (as of recent years) the emergence of COVID-19 symptoms. While there are many rumors and old wives' tales about these chilly seasons and sicknesses that come along with them, we will debunk some of the common myths and dive into why vitamin D3 is especially important for the immune system and for daily health and wellness.  


Immunity 101 

Our bodies are an intricate matrix of cells, organs, systems, and functions. Just like any living organism, there are systems in place to protect us from dangers and intruders. Our immune system is one of those vital systems that help keep us healthy. Our immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and proteins working together to keep us healthy. 


At its core, the immune system has two main branches: the innate and the adaptive immune systems. system is the first line of defense, the first responders that act immediately upon encountering a threat. On the other hand, the adaptive system is the strategic mastermind, creating tailored defenses against specific invaders. The innate immune system employs a variety of foot soldiers, such as white blood cells and proteins, to detect and neutralize invaders like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Think of these cells as the body's rapid-response team, always on high alert. They patrol our bloodstream and tissues, ready to pounce on any unfamiliar entity. 


Now, let's talk about germs – the microscopic troublemakers that the immune system is perpetually on the lookout for. Germs come in different forms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Each type poses a unique set of challenges, but our immune system has evolved ingenious strategies to handle them. When harmful bacteria breach our body's defenses, the innate immune system deploys white blood cells to engulf and destroy them. It's a like a cleanup crew working to maintain order. Viruses, on the other hand, invade our cells and hijack the cellular machinery to replicate. The immune system counters this threat by producing specific antibodies – proteins that bind to viruses, neutralizing them and marking them for destruction by white blood cells. It's a tag-and-destroy operation orchestrated by the adaptive immune system. Fungi, the often-overlooked invaders, can cause infections in our skin, lungs, and other organs. The immune system tackles fungal threats through a combination of physical barriers, like the skin, and specialized immune cells that target and eliminate these intruders. 


In the ongoing battle against germs, the immune system's ability to remember previous encounters is crucial. This is where the adaptive immune system takes center stage. Upon encountering a new threat, it creates a memory bank of specific antibodies and immune cells, ensuring a quicker and more effective response in case of a repeat attack. 


However, our immune system isn't infallible. Factors such as stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and age can compromise its efficiency. That's where the role of lifestyle choices, like maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress, becomes crucial in supporting our immune system. 


Common Myths About Colds 

“Don’t go outside with wet hair!” “Wear your jacket so you don’t catch a cold.” These are popular phrases that many parents and guardians instilled in growing up. The idea is that temperature change would inevitably lead us to catch a cold, should we fail to bundle adequately or go outside with wet hair. 


While the concept of “catching a cold” may seem a Victorian sort of notion, there is actually a proven trend with colder seasons leading to more illnesses, . Research suggests that temperature is to blame, with the suggestion of our nasal tissue’s temperature, in particular, being delicate enough to protect us from germs. One study went as far as to test nasal tissue in a range of different temperatures and found that lower temperatures were correlated with a higher likelihood of becoming infected. However, another study debunked that theory with the observation of cold and flu rates in warm and humid environments compared to cold and dry environments. They found that (contrary to the previous study) cold and flu were actually more prominent in warm and humid environments. 


Another study examined the role of pollen with the increase of cold and flu-focused doctor’s appointments and found that pollen often leads to similar and easily-mistaken symptoms. With regard to immunity strength, it used to be the common belief that the immune system does not perform at its best in colder environments. That has since been contested, as a study showed immune-boosting vaccines to be most impactful during the cooler seasons. With all of the back-and-forth and seemingly contradictory research out there, it can be difficult to know what to believe. So, to focus on more current research, we can find the following: 

Vitamin D, particularly vitamin D3, has been shown to be significantly correlated with immune function.  


Vitamin D3  

In the dance of health and wellness, few nutrients shine as brightly as vitamin D3. Known as the "sunshine vitamin," this vital nutrient not only plays a crucial role in maintaining strong bones but also emerges as a potent ally in fortifying the immune system. Vitamin D3 is synthesized by the skin upon exposure to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. However, with modern lifestyles often confining us to indoor spaces and concerns about sun exposure leading to skin damage, many individuals find themselves deficient in this sunshine elixir. 


Vitamin D exists in several forms, but the two primary types crucial for human health are vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D2 is derived from plants and fungi, often obtained through exposure to UV radiation by yeast or mushrooms. While it contributes to vitamin D levels in the body, it is generally considered less effective than vitamin D3. Vitamin D3, on the other hand, is the more potent and biologically active form (meaning it is easier for the body to absorb.) Besides being synthesized in the skin, it is also found in certain animal-based foods like fatty fish, egg yolks, and liver. Vitamin D3 is frequently preferred for supplementation due to its higher efficacy in raising blood levels of vitamin D.  


Both forms undergo conversion in the liver and kidneys to their active states, playing critical roles in maintaining calcium levels, bone health, and support of the immune system. 


Vitamin D3 becomes a linchpin in this defense, influencing both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system. Research, such as a study published in the *British Medical Journal*, suggests that adequate levels of vitamin D may reduce the risk of respiratory infections and improve overall immune function. Other studies unequivocally support that vitamin D deficiency is a leading cause of compromised and ineffective immunity. 


One of the key mechanisms behind vitamin D3's immune-boosting prowess lies in its ability to modulate the innate immune response. It enhances the function of macrophages, the immune cells responsible for engulfing and neutralizing pathogens. Furthermore, vitamin D3 contributes to the regulation of cytokines, signaling molecules that orchestrate the immune response, ensuring a balanced and effective defense against invaders. Research from August of 2021 found vitamin D to be clearly related to the immune function of patients with diagnosed COVID-19. As a clear example of an immunity-threatening illness, this is a meaningful result that further emphasizes vitamin D’s strong potential for boosting immunity and helping to fend off illness. It becomes evident that vitamin D3, often underestimated and almost always under-consumed, deserves a spotlight.  


Best Practices to Boost Your Vitamin D and Your Immunity 

In our quest for optimal health, ensuring an ample supply of vitamin D is like opening the curtains to let the sunshine in – vital and invigorating. Whether through diet, supplements, or basking in the sun's embrace, there are various pathways to elevate your vitamin D levels and fortify your overall well-being. 


Sunlight: Nature's Vitamin D Elixir 

The most natural way to boost vitamin D levels is by exposing your skin to sunlight. When ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from the sun interact with the skin, they trigger the synthesis of vitamin D. Aim for 10 to 30 minutes of sun exposure at least twice a week, ensuring a balance between reaping the benefits and avoiding sunburn. Factors such as skin tone, geographical location, and time of day influence the amount of vitamin D produced, so tailor your sunlight routine accordingly. 


It is important to note that while sunlight is a potent source of vitamin D, it's crucial to strike a balance between reaping its benefits and protecting your skin. Always practice safe sun habits, such as wearing toxin-free sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses for any extended sun exposure. Consider outdoor activities during the early morning or late afternoon when the sun is less intense. These precautions not only safeguard your skin but also enhance your overall well-being. 


Dietary Delights: Vitamin D on Your Plate 

Incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into your diet is another effective strategy. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna are excellent sources, providing a natural dose of this sunshine vitamin. Including egg yolks and cheese in your meals also adds a boost of this essential nutrient. 


Supplements: A Pillar of Support 

For those who struggle to meet their vitamin D requirements through sunlight or diet, supplements offer a convenient and reliable alternative. Vitamin D supplements come in various forms, including D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). D3 is considered more effective at raising blood levels of vitamin D. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the right dosage for your individual needs, as excessive vitamin D intake can lead to toxicity. 


In the pursuit of a vitamin D-rich lifestyle, a holistic approach that combines sunlight exposure, dietary choices, and supplementation can illuminate your health. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you empower your body to harness the benefits of vitamin D, promoting strong bones, a robust immune system, and a radiant sense of vitality. So, whether through soaking up sunshine responsibly or incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into our diets, let's embrace this sunshine vitamin and empower our immune systems to radiate health and vitality.