38 million people who suffer migraines in America are often faced with the same question: do I attempt to push through or do I go home? One recent study found that 64% of migraines took place during the workday, while migraineurs took different paths with regard to work and migraine.
Over 17 million people in the U.S. were diagnosed with a major depressive episode in 2017. But it's not just those who have been diagnosed (or the many who remain undiagnosed) who suffer, they have families who must navigate depression fallout, a complex series of emotions and reactions set into motion.
The quality of your past relationships can help form how to relate and interact with people in your life. These interactions are affected by your attachment style: secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, or fearful-avoidant.
Keep the people who make you laugh and feel joyful close--they are actually good for your health. Laugher has myriad benefits and can even help reduce pain! We take a dive into gelotology (the study of laughter) to understand how laughter can improve quality of life AND longevity.
When are the best times to drink water? 1: First thing in the morning. You haven't had any hydration from sleeping. 2. Before you eat. Is your hunger mostly thirst? Sometimes it's hard for your brain to tell. 3: In between meals 4: Before and after exercise. (It just makes sense.) 5: When you're tired. Maybe that go-to cup of coffee should actually be water. 6: Two hours before you sleep. Hydrate your body, but also try to avoid the half-asleep stumble to the bathroom.
It seems like something from a science fiction novel, but it's not: the human body has a "second brain" composed of two thin layers of more than 100 million nerve cells that run from the esophagus to the tail end of the body. It is a technical network that works independently of the brain and controls its own reflexes and senses. Information and signals are passed through the complex network of neurons to coordinate efforts and move food through the digestive system.