It can be shocking to learn that you can drink water all day and still be dehydrated. But, water itself does not hydrate your cells. For water to be absorbed and used properly in the body, it needs electrolytes too.
Sodium is key to mitigating migraines and also helping you feel your best after fitness. Learn the connections and how sodium can help you feel your best.
You might be surprised how many notably people from history have had migraines and you might be surprised by some of the names of migraineurs of the modern era. From Vincent Van Gogh to Loretta Lynn and Serena Williams: migraineurs are making their marks in history.
Increasing fat and reducing cabs and protein significantly puts your metabolic state into ketosis—fat burning instead of glucose burning. Ketosis or ketones are naturally produced molecules created by the liver. Using ketones for fuel instead of glucose, your body is burning your fat as energy.