Emotional resilience is a powerful thing and necessary for navigating life, but what is it, really? How can someone cultivate it? New research suggests that resilience is a combination of genetic, psychological, biological, social, and spiritual influences. While some of these factors are beyond our control, others, thankfully, can be improved.
Studies have shown that magnesium may be a good option to look into in helping lift your mood and managing stress and anxiety. Magnesium supplementation offers a fast, safe, and easy-to-access alternative to taking care of your mental health.
38 million people who suffer migraines in America are often faced with the same question: do I attempt to push through or do I go home? One recent study found that 64% of migraines took place during the workday, while migraineurs took different paths with regard to work and migraine.
Keep the people who make you laugh and feel joyful close--they are actually good for your health. Laugher has myriad benefits and can even help reduce pain! We take a dive into gelotology (the study of laughter) to understand how laughter can improve quality of life AND longevity.
When are the best times to drink water? 1: First thing in the morning. You haven't had any hydration from sleeping. 2. Before you eat. Is your hunger mostly thirst? Sometimes it's hard for your brain to tell. 3: In between meals 4: Before and after exercise. (It just makes sense.) 5: When you're tired. Maybe that go-to cup of coffee should actually be water. 6: Two hours before you sleep. Hydrate your body, but also try to avoid the half-asleep stumble to the bathroom.