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A graphic is titled Sandwich Generation and visually shows a woman sandwiched between her mother and her baby.

The Midlife Crisis: Living in the Sandwich Generation

Some people in their 40s and 50s are facing a new kind of midlife crisis: they are providing direct financial support to elderly parents and their children. Called "The Sandwich Generation" they are drowning in responsibilities for themselves and loved ones -- caught between the roles of parent and child.
The periodic chart square for Magnesium or Mg is show on the left and magnesium pills are displayed to the right.

Depression and Magnesium: A Supplement for Mental Health?

Studies have shown that magnesium may be a good option to look into in helping lift your mood and managing stress and anxiety. Magnesium supplementation offers a fast, safe, and easy-to-access alternative to taking care of your mental health.
A professional woman in a white buttoned shirt has a laptop in front of her, has removed her glasses, closed her eyes and is pinching the bridge of her nose, clearly showing signs of pain from a migraine.

Migraines: Push Through the Work Day or Go Home?

38 million people who suffer migraines in America are often faced with the same question: do I attempt to push through or do I go home? One recent study found that 64% of migraines took place during the workday, while migraineurs took different paths with regard to work and migraine.
A man in his 30s with short brown hair and a gray shirt comforts a woman with long blonde hair who appears very upset.

Coping with a Depressed Partner and Depression Fallout

Over 17 million people in the U.S. were diagnosed with a major depressive episode in 2017. But it's not just those who have been diagnosed (or the many who remain undiagnosed) who suffer, they have families who must navigate depression fallout, a complex series of emotions and reactions set into motion.
Understanding Attachment Styles in Relationships

Understanding Attachment Styles in Relationships

The quality of your past relationships can help form how to relate and interact with people in your life. These interactions are affected by your attachment style: secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, or fearful-avoidant.
A group of young women joyfully drink coffee and laugh hard.

Laughing More Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Keep the people who make you laugh and feel joyful close--they are actually good for your health. Laugher has myriad benefits and can even help reduce pain! We take a dive into gelotology (the study of laughter) to understand how laughter can improve quality of life AND longevity. 



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