News filter by healthy lifestyle

A pug rests in a human bed, with it's head on the pillow, it's body under a blanket, and an eye mask over its eyes.

Take the Time to Care for Yourself

Self-care isn't one-size-fits-all, you need to develop an understanding of what it is that restores you. And contrary to popular opinion, whatever it is, it doesn't have to be expensive.
a bunch of sugar on a wooden table, a lit and smoking cigarette has been etched into the sugar.

Has Sugar Become the Next Smoking?

The harms of sugar are being noticed around the world, with the UK even taxing sugary drinks and proposing shifts in packaging for sugary products. Has Sugar Become the Next Smoking?
How Stress Affects Your Mental Health

How Stress Affects Your Mental Health

There is a connection between stress and one's mental state, and it varies depending on how the person conducts herself and what coping strategies she utilizes.



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