News filter by stress

Antidepressant Foods: Eating for Mental Health?

Antidepressant Foods: Eating for Mental Health?

A new field of research called Nutritional Psychiatry focuses on how the food you digest affects your thoughts and mental health. A study from last year revealed some of the top foods that are thought to help with depressive thoughts and behaviors.
Emotional Resilience, Part 2: Tips on How to Build It

Emotional Resilience, Part 2: Tips on How to Build It

Emotional resilience is something that you can build upon throughout the course of your life. Integrate these helpful tips into your routine and you may begin to notice some positive changes in your life.
A woman observes a stunning, pastel sunrise with her back to the camera. Her arms are extended overhead and she is giving two thumbs up, suggesting she is joyful.

Emotional Resilience, Part 1: What is It?

Emotional resilience is a powerful thing and necessary for navigating life, but what is it, really? How can someone cultivate it? New research suggests that resilience is a combination of genetic, psychological, biological, social, and spiritual influences. While some of these factors are beyond our control, others, thankfully, can be improved.
A graphic is titled Sandwich Generation and visually shows a woman sandwiched between her mother and her baby.

The Midlife Crisis: Living in the Sandwich Generation

Some people in their 40s and 50s are facing a new kind of midlife crisis: they are providing direct financial support to elderly parents and their children. Called "The Sandwich Generation" they are drowning in responsibilities for themselves and loved ones -- caught between the roles of parent and child.
A cartoon graphic showing a young girl in an aqua shirt with thought bubbles showing a beach and a wooded scene. The title: How Spending Time Outdoors Improves Mental Health.

Outdoor Therapy: How It’s Good For Your Well-Being

Simply being in nature can trigger a release of feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin, but some people are unaware of nature's power to heal, particularly since roughly 80% of Americans live in urban areas. HBP explores how nature can improve your mood and overall well-being.
A professional woman in a white buttoned shirt has a laptop in front of her, has removed her glasses, closed her eyes and is pinching the bridge of her nose, clearly showing signs of pain from a migraine.

Migraines: Push Through the Work Day or Go Home?

38 million people who suffer migraines in America are often faced with the same question: do I attempt to push through or do I go home? One recent study found that 64% of migraines took place during the workday, while migraineurs took different paths with regard to work and migraine.



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