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a bunch of sugar on a wooden table, a lit and smoking cigarette has been etched into the sugar.

Has Sugar Become the Next Smoking?

The harms of sugar are being noticed around the world, with the UK even taxing sugary drinks and proposing shifts in packaging for sugary products. Has Sugar Become the Next Smoking?
a graphic of

All About Magnesium in the Body

Nearly 70% of American adults are magnesium deficient, which isn't good since it's necessary for so much of your body's functioning. Discover why it matters and how to get more magnesium in this Health By Principle blog.
Depression Awareness - You’re Not Alone

Depression Awareness - You’re Not Alone

Depression is a mental health illness that can make people feel alone and in their heads. But you are not alone. Say it with me.
A woman does a yoga pose with the Northern Lights in the background.

Are You Experiencing An Aura?

Migraine auras are actually caused by unique electrical currents working through neurons across your brain, but what many describe as reminiscent of the Northern Lights can actually take many forms. You might be experiencing auras and not even realize it.
by Health By Principle on March 27, 2018  in aurasbrainhealth by principleinformativemigrainescience
A table setting with a clock sitting on the plate

16 Hour Fasting Diet

The science behind intermittent fasting is actually fascinating. Researchers from Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University discovered that the combination of intermittent fasting with a ketogenic diet can have all sorts of benefits for the human body, including fighting migraines, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis and even some forms of cancer.
How to Avoid Migraines While You Travel

How to Avoid Migraines While You Travel

Traveling is often a trigger for migraineurs because the temperature and pressure changes disrupt the body’s biochemical balance—what we call Electrolyte Homeostasis. Migraine sufferers’ brains are more sensitive to environmental changes than the brain of a non-migraineur, and react differently to the shifts in temperature and pressure that are common when traveling.



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