A new field of research called Nutritional Psychiatry focuses on how the food you digest affects your thoughts and mental health. A study from last year revealed some of the top foods that are thought to help with depressive thoughts and behaviors.
Emotional resilience is something that you can build upon throughout the course of your life. Integrate these helpful tips into your routine and you may begin to notice some positive changes in your life.
Emotional resilience is a powerful thing and necessary for navigating life, but what is it, really? How can someone cultivate it? New research suggests that resilience is a combination of genetic, psychological, biological, social, and spiritual influences. While some of these factors are beyond our control, others, thankfully, can be improved.
Some people in their 40s and 50s are facing a new kind of midlife crisis: they are providing direct financial support to elderly parents and their children. Called "The Sandwich Generation" they are drowning in responsibilities for themselves and loved ones -- caught between the roles of parent and child.
Studies have shown that magnesium may be a good option to look into in helping lift your mood and managing stress and anxiety. Magnesium supplementation offers a fast, safe, and easy-to-access alternative to taking care of your mental health.
The peaks and valleys of life are impossible to predict, so it's important to plan accordingly. Prepare an emotional first aid kit to help you navigate the challenges of life in a healthy way. Fill the kit with things that bring you joy, remind you of what matters to you, and provide you some kind of grounding or comfort.