by Health By Principle

Can Electrolyte Imbalance Cause Urinary Infrequency?

By Rachel Welch

Electrolytes are essential minerals that help regulate water balance, facilitate nutrient delivery to cells, remove waste, and perform other important functions in the body. They are a common topic of conversation at Health By Principle.

This is because of their remarkable ability to help with migraine prevention and the benefits to overall health. Without the proper balance of electrolytes, the body can experience a lot of wonky symptoms. One of those symptoms may be changes in urinary frequency.


Electrolyte Basics

We have excellent information on the “need to know” about electrolytes in this article.

Here is a list of the electrolyte minerals:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphate
  • Chloride
  • Bicarbonate

 These minerals play an important role in the body, and a deficiency of them can be detrimental (1).



Can Electrolyte Imbalance Cause Urinary Frequency?

With the many influences of electrolytes on bodily functions, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that electrolytes and urinary frequency are closely related.

As mentioned earlier, electrolytes are essential for both waste removal and maintaining hydration levels, which directly influence how often we urinate. This creates a cyclical relationship between electrolytes and urinary frequency.


Electrolytes Cause Urinary Changes

A mineral imbalance often occurs when something causes the body to lose hydration quickly. This could be an illness or an excessive amount of electrolytes causing the body to flush itself out.

For example, elevated levels of potassium can lead to excessive urination. The same applies to too much calcium (hypercalcemia), another mineral. When the body detects an excess of any mineral, it may increase urination frequency to restore normal levels.


Urinary Frequency Causes Electrolyte Changes

Now on the reverse side, changes in urinary frequency can lead to an imbalance. An example of this would be in the case of consuming diuretics. A diuretic is something that promotes the formation of urine by the kidney.

Diuretics do this by hindering the kidney’s ability to reabsorb sodium, which enhances the loss of that electrolyte. This leads to higher urinary frequency, a loss of electrolytes, and therefore, a loss of hydration. Foods and drinks like parsley, dandelion, green and black tea, alcohol, and caffeine are all-natural diuretics (4).

Another instance of liquid loss leading to an imbalance could also be a sickness like the stomach flu. When ill with vomiting or diarrhea, the body often loses water at a rapid rate, and is left dehydrated and in need of minerals to help the body rehydrate.

To answer whether an electrolyte imbalance can cause changes in urinary frequency: yes, it can. An imbalance can lead to increased urination, and changes in urination can, in turn, create another imbalance.

The role of electrolytes is crucial, and there are several ways to get a helpful dose of them!



How to balance electrolytes so I don't have urinary changes?

An Electrolyte Supplement:

Perhaps the easiest way to fuel up your balance of electrolytes is to take an electrolyte supplement! Like all supplemental nutrients, electrolyte supplements can become a daily part of your routine that will help ensure a healthy baseline of hydration. By pairing a supplement with a health-conscious lifestyle, you can help to ensure proper hydration. With it, you help to ensure the proper functioning of many different parts of the body.

Health by Principle provides a great electrolyte supplement and educational bundle that will help you get started on your supplement journey.


Electrolyte Beverages:

Many beverages contain electrolytes, but not all of them are equally effective. Unfortunately, many popular brands like Gatorade and Powerade often have too much sugar or contain chemicals and artificial sweeteners. Coconut water is a great beverage that will help you stay hydrated, but you must be careful and check added sugar levels.

While beverages may be a convenient way to fuel up, it is important to select beverages with as little sugar as possible. Otherwise, the cons might outweigh the benefits.


Pickle Juice:

A less commonly known source is pickle juice!

Pickle juice contains probiotics, which are beneficial live bacteria and yeasts that support gut health. Research suggests that our gut health can significantly affect our brain health (anxiety & depression), and general well-being.

Pickle juice is also very rich in sodium. You might be thinking, 'Wait, isn’t salt bad for my health?' But as we discussed earlier, sodium is one of the essential electrolyte minerals your body needs.

However, you should not drink the entire jar of pickle juice, so you can maintain healthy electrolyte levels.

Pickle juice also contains two other electrolyte minerals, magnesium and potassium! Additionally, pickle juice has antioxidants, can help with blood sugar regulation, and can help cure a hangover!

Researchers recommend choosing a jar of pickles that is vinegar-based, and free of any yellow dye or preservatives. This goes back to the “choose carefully” element of all electrolyte beverages. Make sure your chosen bottle or jar doesn’t contain more harmful ingredients than helpful ones!

It's important to note that the recommended daily sodium intake is no more than 2,300 milligrams. Three ounces of pickle juice contains about 900 milligrams, so it might not be the best option to rely on daily.

Despite its delicious taste. While pickle juice is a fun and unique way to boost electrolytes, a supplement may be a better choice if possible (2).


Electrolyte-Rich Foods:

Another tasty way to stay hydrated is food! Foods like nuts, fruits and vegetables are a great source of minerals and will help you stay hydrated. Some of the best foods to provide these helpful minerals are:

    • spinach
    • kale
    • avocados
    • broccoli
    • potatoes
    • beans
    • almonds
    • peanuts
    • soybeans
    • tofu
    • strawberries
    • watermelon
    • oranges
    • bananas
    • tomatoes
    • milk
    • buttermilk
    • yogurt
    • fish, such as flounder
    • turkey
    • chicken
    • raisins
    • canned foods, such as soups and vegetables (obviously not the chemical-filled, excessive sodium kinds)
    • olives (3)

Well, I just wrote your grocery list for you. You are welcome!


Truly, these foods are all excellent sources of minerals and other valuable nutrients! If you're unsure which healthy foods to stock in your fridge or pantry, consider adding these tasty options to help boost your hydration.

Electrolytes are a fundamental key to our health. With their many health impacts, they are the key to a healthy, hydrated balance. Stay hydrated, friends!





  1. Electrolyte imbalance: Symptoms, causes and treatment. (2020, June 24). Retrieved from website:
  2. ‌6 Health Benefits of Drinking Pickle Juice. (2020, December 31). Retrieved from Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic website:
  3. ‌Whelan, C. (2019, May 13). 25 Foods That Replenish Electrolytes. Retrieved from Healthline website:
  4. Medical Definition of Diuretic. (n.d.). Retrieved November 5, 2021, from RxList website:
  5. USGS. (2019). The Water in You: Water and the Human Body. Retrieved from website: